Thursday, February 14, 2013

What's the White House doing these days?

I receive periodic emails from the White House about different disability issues that they are working on. It's a pretty impressive range of issues that they are concerned with. If you are interested, sign up here.

In the last email, this bit caught my eye:

Agency News: ODEP launches media campaign encouraging youth with disabilities to pursue career goals

To help millions of people recognize what they can do to make a difference in the lives — and future careers — of young people with disabilities, the U.S. Department of Labor's Campaign for Disability Employment has released a new video public service announcement titled "Because." The PSA features real people with disabilities — not actors — who are pursuing and realizing their goals and passions as a result of the support they received from everyday people in their lives. Because nearly 1 out of 5 Americans has a disability, the PSA is intended to replace myths and misperceptions about disability employment with new views of what people with disabilities can do.
Read more about the new media campaign at the following link:

Advocacy is not just about changing laws. It's about changing public perceptions, too. One of the issues the National MS Society is pursuing with other disability advocacy groups is expanding access to employment. Changing misperceptions about disability employment is definitely necessary to ensure more people with disabilities can work.

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