Monday, March 26, 2012

Celebrate The Affordable Care Act!

As we enjoy the anniversary of the Affordable Care Act and everything it is doing for all Americans, we need to keep in mind that the Law is being challenged from all directions, and most importantly – in the Supreme Court!  As this hallowed body deliberates the legality of various components of the bill, the rest of us stand to lose so much.

It is my naïve, hopeful, and somewhat educated belief that the Affordable Care Act will be upheld by the Supreme Court. However, that will not protect the Law from members of Congress and State government (including Washington’s own Attorney General and candidate for Governor) who want to see the accomplishments of the Affordable Care Act repealed.

 Among all of the wonderful aspects of this law, the special significance to the MS community is the protection of people with pre-existing conditions, which will fully take effect in 2014. This tenant of the Affordable Care Act alone makes this legislation the most significant legislation for people with chronic disease that we have ever experienced.

So next time someone criticizes “Obamacare”, remind yourself and them, what this law means to the MS Community. We DO Care!

 Remember – It’s Time for Action! Washington

Cheers – Holly

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